car tires

  1. The Link Between Tread Depth and Stopping Distance

    A closeup of a car's tire on an asphalt road. The tire is turned outward, away from the vehicle.
    Tread depth can have a massive impact on how long it takes for your vehicle to stop. This guide explains the link between tread depth and stopping distance.
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  2. Should You Replace All Tires at the Same Time?

    Four brand-new tires in the trunk of a vehicle. The tires still have the labels on them, showing they haven't been used yet.
    Many vehicle owners wonder if they should replace all their tires at the same time. The answer isn’t as simple as it might seem, so we’re here to help.
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  3. When and How To Get Your Car Tires Rotated

    A mechanic using a pneumatic wrench to remove the lug nuts off a wheel before taking the wheel off the base.
    Tire rotations are a crucial maintenance process. If you don’t know much about them, this guide is just for you. Learn the ins and outs of rotations.
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  4. How To Prepare Your Tires for Cold Weather

    A close up of a tire with snow packed into the tread. There is snow all over the ground and trees in the background.

    Ensuring your tires are ready for freezing temperatures, snow, and ice will help you stay safe on the road in the colder months. Here's how to prepare.

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  5. How Often Should You Replace the Tires on Your Car?

    How Often Should You Replace the Tires on Your Car?

    Car tires can wear out quite quickly compared to other parts of your vehicle. Here’s what you should know about how often you should replace them.

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  6. 6 Safety Tips When Changing a Tire on Busy Roads

    A casually dressed man sits on a donut as he repairs a flat tire on the roadside with hazard triangles set out for safety.

    Several things come to mind when an untimely tire snafu occurs. Here are the top safety tips to help you securely and seamlessly change a tire on busy roads.

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  7. Tire Wear: Highway Miles vs. City Miles Impact on Tires

    Tire Wear: Highway Miles vs. City Miles Impact on Tires

    Tires wear out differently depending on what kind of environment they experience; let’s compare highway miles versus city miles and the impact on tires.
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  8. A Guide to Upgrading Wheels & Accessories for Your Ride

    A Guide to Upgrading Wheels & Accessories for Your Ride

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