
  1. The Dangers of Overinflated and Underinflated Tires

    The Dangers of Overinflated and Underinflated Tires

    We’ve talked before about the importance your wheels have in determining the safety and performance of your vehicle. One thing we’ve yet to discuss, however—and what we’ll delve into today—is the inflation of your tires. Many of us understand the importance of preventing underinflation, though we may not necessarily know the exact reasons why. Another thing we may not realize is that you can also overinflate your tires. Maintaining proper tire pressure is integral to optimizing your car’s performance and preventing future unwanted repair costs.

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  2. Questions to Ask a Used Car Salesman Before Buying

    Questions to Ask a Used Car Salesman Before Buying infographic

    The car market is still rapidly expanding. Recent data suggests that global car sales will reach nearly 79 million units sold by the end of 2019. This number is astronomical, and more people are buying every day. Of course, some of these automobiles aren’t brand-new, but are instead passed from one owner to the next. Buying used cars is extremely economical, and there are ways you can make it even more so.

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  3. A Comprehensive Guide on How to Safely Change a Tire

    A Comprehensive Guide on How to Safely Change a Tire

    It’s everyone’s worst driving nightmare, and when it happens, chances are that you’ll know almost right away. We’re talking, of course, of a flat tire—it will immediately throw off the balance of your car, as well as your steering. In the event of a flat tire, you’ll want to be ready—especially if you’re driving alone, which is the case for over 66% of car trips. Without someone available to give you a hand, you’ll need to equip yourself with the proper knowledge to handle it on your own.

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  4. 4 Things to Do Before Buying a Used Car

    4 Things to Do Before Buying a Used Car

    Every year, more and more people are recognizing the benefits of buying their cars used. In 2017, drivers purchased nearly 40 million used cars, the highest number in a single year thus far. There are many reasons to buy used, but you shouldn’t go into the purchasing process blindly. Mark these four items off your checklist before making your final decision.

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  5. Easy Maintenance Tips for Your Electric Car

    Easy Maintenance Tips for Your Electric Car

    The technology behind electric cars has been steadily improving over the years, presenting an impressive array of economic benefits. While many people still prefer the offerings of fuel vehicles, electric cars are a great addition to the transportation world. These cars generally require less maintenance due to their electrical components; however, the tradeoff is that any repairs require specialized services and are, therefore, extremely costly. Knowing how to properly service your car will help you avoid these extra expenses.

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  6. 3 of the Major Components to Your Wheels

    3 of the Major Components to Your Wheels

    Anyone who drives a car knows how impactful the wheels are. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone knows the details behind wheels. Even changing tires is foreign to a large percent of the U.S. population—nearly 20% of us don’t know how to perform the task. A good thing for any driver to be aware of is the various parts of the wheel, as this knowledge can benefit us in certain situations. We briefly go over the three major components to your wheels to help you gain a better understanding of how it works.

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  7. How to Choose the Car That's Right for You

    How to Choose the Car That's Right for You

    If you’re buying your first car, selecting the right one to suit your needs can be a difficult task. There are hundreds of models to choose from, and you want to be sure you’re putting your investment in the right place. It’s best not to walk right into a dealership without any idea of what you’re looking for. You should first familiarize yourself with some different options and decide what best aligns with your needs. In this article, we list out some things to consider before you make a final decision. Study our tips and keep them in mind as you begin the selection process.

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  8. 4 Ways a Student Can Care for Their Toyota

    4 Ways a Student Can Care for Their Toyota

    Toyotas are known for being reliable, long-lasting cars. Though they’re great options for drivers of any age, younger people oftentimes find Toyota to be an ideal first car. These days, it's common for a student to take their car to college; during the 2016–2017 school year, approximately 46.8% of students did exactly that. As such, even with a busy school schedule, you’ll be doing yourself a favor if you take care of your Toyota. Read our simple tips on how you can properly achieve this task.

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  9. How Various Road Conditions Can Affect Your Wheels

    how various road conditions can affect your wheels

    No matter how reliable your car is, you can’t always protect it against things outside your control. Doing what you can to keep your car running well is helpful, but the outside world has a mind of its own—and your wheels are likely to take the brunt of any damage caused by the elements. The United States sees approximately 220 million flat tires a year—a staggering amount, to say the least. Even the 2015 Honda Accord’s wheels, which are known for their reliability, aren’t immune to a stray nail or patch of black ice.

    Some of the most prominent dangers, as we all know, are potholes. You should avoid them whenever you can, but sometimes you don’t see them right away, and swerving to avoid them can be unsafe. Depending on the angle and speed at which you hit the pothole, your tire may incur substantial damage. A particularly

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  10. How to Know if You Need to Replace Your Wheel Bearing

    How to Know if You Need to Replace Your Wheel Bearing

    It’s not surprising that caring for your car is essential. Ideally, you’ll try to extend the life of your vehicle for as long as possible. When you suspect that something is amiss, it’s important to get it checked out as soon as possible. However, this can be stressful; the truth is over half of Americans are intimidated by their mechanic. It’s imperative that you meet a professional though because some issues are harder to identify than others—especially when they are related to car parts that are known for sporting a long shelf life.

    One thing that you need to consider from time to time is your wheel bearings. These are a part of your wheel assembly; it’s

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  11. A Brief Guide on the Different Types of Rims

    A Brief Guide on the Different Types of Rims

    Car enthusiasts are quick to tell you the importance of having a rim that’s appropriately suited to your car. Your car’s rims determine the profile and traction of the tire, which is integral in impacting your car’s performance. Anyone trying to decide what rims are best suited for their car must first consider the materials the rims are made of and how they will affect your car’s performance; the three most common are steel, alloy, and chrome. There are important differences between the three that one should be aware of when considering how they want their car to drive. 

    Knowing how your wheels are made, and what they’re made of, is important when considering the amount of time that’s spent behind the wheel. Americans tend to spend 

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  12. 4 Common Mistakes People Make When Cleaning a Car Wheel

    Cleaning your wheels is a fairly simple task, but that doesn't mean you can't make mistakes. Follow these four steps to keep your wheels looking their best.

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