
  1. How Your Driving Style Impacts Your Tires

    How Your Driving Style Impacts Tires

    As we learn to drive, we develop various habits and preferences that can affect our car just as much as any hazard on the road or in the environment. In particular, you can expect your tires to really take a toll—especially if you’ve developed some...questionable driving habits. [LOL] Let’s consider how your driving style impacts your tires, so you can prevent damage and avoid problems before they crop up.

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  2. How COVID-19 Affected the Automotive Industry

    How COVID-19 Affected the Automotive Industry

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on every industry as businesses are forced to adapt to the crisis or face the risk of going under. But how has COVID-19 affected the automotive industry? Let's take a look at the current state of the industry, potential risks it still faces, and how well it’s been able to recover as the light at the end of the tunnel finally comes into view.

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  3. A Brief History of Mazda Vehicles

    A Brief History of Mazda Vehicles

    Mazda vehicles are well-known in the US and beyond for their sleek designs, affordability, and being quite fun to drive. Learn more about the background of these popular cars in this brief history of Mazda vehicles. #zoomzoom

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  4. Misconceptions About Replica Wheels

    Wondering whether replica wheels are as reliable as OEM? Learn more about how replica wheels can be safe, reliable, and high-quality in this article.
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  5. How To Prepare Your Car for Summer

    How To Prepare Your Car for Summer
    Maintenance for your car looks quite different in the summer than in winter. This article will teach you how to prepare your car for summer.
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  6. Reasons You Should Buy a Honda Accord

    Convincing Reasons You Should Buy a Honda Accord

    Thinking of buying a new car? The Honda Accord could be a perfect fit for you. Learn why in this article.
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  7. Common Reasons Why Tires Crack

    Over time, tires wear down and must be replaced. If your tires are cracking due to any of these common reasons why tires crack, get them replaced right away.

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  8. Brilliant Ways To Make Your Standard Car Look Cooler

    Brilliant Ways To Make Your Standard Car Look Cooler
    Have you always dreamed of giving your old vehicle a fresh, sporty look? Try out these brilliant ways to make your standard car look cooler.
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  9. Smart Travel Tips: How To Get the Most Out of Your Road Trip

    With warmer weather and more daylight hours, it's time to hit the road! Here are some smart travel tips for how to get the most out of your road trip.

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  10. The Different Types of Wheel Rims

    How do you know if aluminum alloy wheels are right for you? Learn about the pros and cons of the different types of wheel rims in this article.

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  11. Wheel Corrosion and Ways To Prevent It

    On a car, rust is unattractive and can cause issues with your vehicle. In this article, you’ll learn all about wheel corrosion and ways to prevent it.

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  12. A Brief History of the Mercedes-Benz Brand

    Mercedes-Benz is well known as the world's most popular luxury car brand. Learn about its background in a brief history of the Mercedes-Benz brand.

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